Saturday, June 23, 2007

Blogworld Saturday

And I have two daughters. Good Lord. Remind me to chill and to take deep breaths when they're old enough to have sex -- and not to kill any guy they bring home.

It's Blogworld Saturday time again. Without further ado, here are some of the posts I've enjoyed this week. Hope you like 'em too.

1.Laura. Sometimes maggots masquerade as people. You know the type: those whose days revolve around trying to make others' lives miserable. Squashing them underfoot would be too good a punishment.

2. Natalie. The darkness to which the human soul can descend is appalling. Her post about a terrible Juneteenth incident and how things like it sometimes makes it seem like there's no hope for humanity. Thank goodness the brighter side of the human soul always brings hope.

3. Ian. His book, The Milkman, is now available through I'm so happy for Ian; his passion and tenacity are bearing fruit once again. And this book is just the first of many, I'm sure.

The Milkman Cover
4. The Dragon. Some surprises we can do without, especially the one that involves an impromptu visit from the Grim Reaper. It isn't just missing the chance to say goodbye; it's also the guilt one feels when somebody dies suddenly and the words we last had with him or her were angry ones. Then there's also the regret at not having told them just how much we loved them when they were still alive.

5. Silverneurotic. She is celebrating her 25th birthday on Sunday! She's hosting a Blog Carnival to celebrate it with us online. We can participate! Just write a post about your most vivid or special memory of the past 25 years and email the link to your entry to her at She'll write a post linking to all the entries she receives -- and we can all party together. :-)

DaddyPapersurferHere's to hoping everybody has an itch-free and enjoyable weekend. I'll leave you with two cool sculptures on which to ponder (The Penis Fly Trap and the Reclining Venus). Getting to know how Daddy Papersurfer's mind comes up with these things is an exercise in futility, but it's fun. Besides, I learn cool stuff from him, like how to say seagull shit in Portuguese.

Penis Fly TrapReclining Venus


Andrew The Asshole said...

Ask The Ass Monday is coming don't forget to submit your question.

I probably did more than that to their daugther.

Ian said...

Thanks for the plug, Lizza!

I *should* also mention the book is available from Barnes & Noble online as well as oh hell, just go here.

Thanks again.

PS: Today is also my 300th webcomic strip!

Nikki Neurotic said...

Thanks for the plug. I always appreciate it. :)

Travis Cody said...

See, now I got the heebies after that cartoon.

Lizza said...

Andrew: Don't come near my daughters! :-D Thanks for visiting. I'll take a look at Ask the Ass Monday. Sounds interesting.

Ian: Haha, thanks for the info. And congratulations on the S-Team's 300th strip!

Silverneurotic: Happy Birthday tomorrow! Still thinking about my contribution to the Carnival.

Travis: Haha! It made me laugh -- and then feel apprehensive.

Anonymous said...

You are an angel with the feet of a ...........oooooooo, that gives me an idea for a sculpture. I'll need some concrete, feathers and essence of verruca - how tall are you? it's 5'8" if I remember correctly - mmmmmmm - all I need now is a shed - now where did I put it?

Kiyotoe said...

I really liked the one about unexpected and untimely death. The writer really catches the essence of how it affects the survivors when something this tragic happens. Thanks for telling me about that guy, he's really talented. I look forward to.......

Ahhhh...forget it, this stupid avatar gave me away.....

Odat said...

LMAO I have to steal that comic for future use...omg!!!
And thanks for the references...
Oh I just got Ian's book in the mail...!!!

little things said...

I loved that cartoon. I always suppress thoughts as well, and wondered if others had to do the same. :)

H said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
H said...

oh no! Sorry Liz, that last comment was for kiyotoe's post, which is pasted here by mistake because I was on your page, following the link etc... and I wound up right here, in your comment box.

Idiot me.

As always, a fine fine blogworld Saturday. And I'm feeling very proud of Ian because someone in these parts has published a BOOK! yay. wow. awe. CONGRATULATIONS IAN.

H said...

Oh AND, I'd just LOVE to hear R-b-o-Lizza and L-B-o-Lizza have a little conference over prospective daughters' boyfriends. oooohhhh... that will be ONE FUN POST.

Lizza said...

DaddyP: I am 168 cm. tall. I shiver (shudder?) in anticipation of what that unpredictable mind of yours will come up with. But... all angels are male, aren't they? If we're going to go by biblical accounts. And last time I checked, I'm 100% female.

Odat: Happy reading! I don't have the book, but I've read the story. ;-)

Marlayna: Suppressing thoughts makes them seem funnier.

H: That would be fun, but you know what would even be more fun? Having the girls' father do that exercise. Seeing a grown man cry, that's heartbreaking.

And because you mistook the Dragon's excellent blog for mine, you get not only a LOL, but a LMAO and a ROFLMAO to boot! :-D

Lizza said...

Kiyotoe: Hmmm, I have no idea who you're talking about. ;-)

Michael C said...

I too have two girls and although dating and that stuff is a few years down the road, I'm already not sleeping because of it...

Schmoop said...

Whoa Lizza, are you infringing on my stick figure humor!! Watch it missy. Cheers!!

Anonymous said...

Now - who is that handsome chap?

Sh'shank said...

Girls mum are a huge terrifying factor but the dads are the bigger thing to face...
Wonderful thing this sat read...

CS said...

ENjoyed your blogworld list, as always. But the cartoon - not sure that bears thinking about!

The Ferryman said...

I am sure it will be quite some time before boys are licking the nipples of your daughters...

Natalia said...

I often wondered what my parents think when they meet someone I date. Of course my parents are very open about it's not a big deal. But I wonder if they look at the guy weirdly.


Bill Graber said...

I'm stealing that graphic...

Laura Brown said...

Thanks for the honorable mention. Nipple licking is fun. I've never understood the terror about imagining your parents having sex. Yet, I do understand not wanting to blurt out about nipple licking to her parents.

Scott from Oregon said...

You're missing out on a good story at my place, missy...

ShadowFalcon said...

hehehe sorry I will read the post again but still laughing

Merritt Fields said...

That cartoon is hilarious, but kind of creeps me out considering I have two daughters.

Unknown said...

The cartoon is laugh-out-loud-hilarious. Love it (maybe because I don´t have a daugther, yet *grin*)

I´ve ordered "The Milkman" last Monday. can´t wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

inday! ano nangyari sayo???

hindi ka na umapir ulit!

Foofa said...

I should mention that I had to retract much of that post. The ill informed media bent on getting a sensational story put a very improper spin on it. IT was far fewer people and happened near where the Juneteenth event was ending. It wasn't there at all.