November 7, 2006 is the day that Mimi Lenox designated as the first Dona Nobis Pacem Day. This wonderwoman has been keeping herself busy trying to promote this message of peace and getting as many people as she can to participate.
I think it's a grand idea.
There's no fund-raising involved, no telethons, no videos of Top 40 musicians in a studio singing their hearts out (not that I think those are bad ideas).
No, Mimi's idea is simple, but its sheer simplicity doesn't take away from its potential impact. Real people, ordinary people, taking a few minutes to post their Peace Globe and write about what it means to them. See how simple it is? But writing about peace isn't easy. What does it really mean?
My wonderful friend Prometheus has a touching post about peace. I'm sure everyone who's participating in Dona Nobis Pacem will have their own perspective of what peace means to them. Sure, living in a warless world would be nirvana, but is that really going to happen? I don't think so. For as long as there's this "I'm bigger and better, so bow down before me" attitude and "I want what you have so I'm taking it no matter what the consequences" mentality, world peace will remain a dream.
But having a dream is good. And making a dream come true isn't often done in a singular grand motion. Little steps...they're the ones that lead us closer to realizing a dream.
I think that Mimi's Peace Globe movement is a step in the right direction. At the very least, it (and Prometheus' post) made me think that peace should start from within. After all, if one's own inner self is totally screwed up, how can one try to even effect peace? Inner turmoil is something that we all experience, but having it chronically is Not a Good Thing. Inner peace. Now that's a goal worth having too.
Thank you, Mimi, for your great thoughts. I hope that by the next Dona Nobis Pacem Day, more people will have become aware of it, and the need for it. I look forward to seeing all those lovely Peace Globes that Frank Sirianni put up for Mimi in his gallery.
There's this video I found over at Rhys' A World of Reeholio. Rhys, I just had to put this here. It's simply beautiful...both the song and the video. Something about it made me cry. Like Mimi's Dona Nobis Pacem, it's an example of how one person can affect so many lives with a simple act.
HB, I promise to do your tag this week. And Lyn, yours too (even though you didn't really tag me. I just like the idea. :-D )
Damn It...You get peace a day before I do...
If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there'd be peace.
John Lennon (1940-1980)
Rock On...
Ahh, the benefits of being on the other side of the world... :-)
You are a great quotes repository, Matt-Man! Amazing. Rock on, and cheers!
I love that video - every time I see it it touches me.
I don't know if we'll ever achieve world peace. There is so much hatred and anger about and it all seems to be heading for a major blow-up. Maybe after that we'll learn a lesson and calm down. I hope so but somehow I doubt it.
As for inner peace - now that is hard to find sometimes..it requires a lot of soul searching and acceptance of ourselves and the world and other people. But yes - a worthy goal.
And seeing as Matt-man mentioned John Lennon...well remember his words..
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religon too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...
Imagine...just imagine.
ano ba yan lizza, naiyak naman ako sa video na yan! I was really touched.
I might do it at the mall this week. See where it takes me! =)
Hi Lizza,
I don't mind at all. I put that video up to shared, just as 'the Sick Puppies' did.
Now, off to write my Dona Nobis Pacem post...
wendz: I like that song too. Nice words you said about inner peace, thanks!
NM: Hay naku, sinabi mo. Para nga akong engot dito, umiiyak habang pinapanood ko. I hope you tell us all about it if you do Free Hugs! Pictures would be even better. :-)
Rhys: Thank you! :-) Looking forward to reading your post.
Wonderful post Lizza, I hope Mimi has seen it already. We've been playing Globe tag in the blogshpere the past while so we don't miss any globes. Pleasure to stop in, now it back to Globe Trotting for Peace (I Love saying that :-) )
I've seen the video twice
Love and peace
Hugs to all
I may be a little late but I will try to post this globe in a jiffy if not I have to wait till next year...
Frank: Thank you very much! Yes, I hear you and Mimi have been keeping the American-Canadian internet lines very busy. :-) Both of you are to be commended.
ZI: Oh, do it! It isn't too late.
I love you globe's signature. I an't wait to post mine after work tomorrow. I'm already seeing so many of them. I'll be writing this comment a lot in the next 24 hours, so 'Peace Be With Ya!'
Hi guys. It's Mimi checking in with real people. You are real....aren't you? I've been glued to this chair for days. REALLY! Lizza...your post is wonderful. I can't wait to read Prometheus' and Rhys' and Matt's and everyone else! Just as soon as I finish my own post. You won't believe what happened. Stay tuned. It's unbelievable to see this much enthusiasm in the blogosphere! And we're not even talking about Reynaldo.
lizz, your a beautiful person inside and out. and your blog is one of the few blogs that reflects on the many values and issues that people tend to neglect. thank you *hugs*
Peace is an ideal we all should seek. I'd start with the people around me.
So, kabayan, peace, man! =)
I just did mine
I think I will continue doing this in the years to come
Wonderful post Lizza! You said what we're all trying to say.
If only we could spread peace across the world, instead of bickering of petty things
Peace and hugs!
Thanks for sharing that, it touched my heart!
Thank you what a lovely post...Peace to all!!!
Peace and joy to you and your loved ones, lovely Lizza! c",)
just stopped by to see your Peace Post..lovely and I love your words..if only..peace to you and thanks...m
Michael: Thank you. Can't wait to see yours!
Deb: Thank you, you are so sweet! Hugs to you too, you fantastic lady.
HB: Peace, chong, citymate! Pero hinayupak ka pa din. :-D
ZI: Hooray! I like your Peace Globe. Welcome aboard. :-)
Annelisa: Thank you! Your poem was touching.
shadowfalcon: I agree! Too bad bickering is such a persistent creature.
odat: You're welcome. Glad you liked it. Peace!!!
qualicum rn: Thank you very much! Peace.
Irene: The same to you, Iridescent One.
madd: Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. "If only" -- those two words are fraught with both hope and hopelessness. We have to do our part to maximize the former and minimize the latter. :-)
Your post is beautiful and the video was touching, funny and poignant all at once. Thank you.
MIMI: No, Reynaldo takes a back seat today. The guy wreaks havoc! Haha! Seriously, you are THE woman. I'm so happy for you...for all of us. Positive feelings, Mimi. You've achieved a lot with your idea. Bless you.
Bud: Thank you very much! I really appreciate it. It's good to see you here again.
Peace to all and to you too!
Dear Lizza!
Great post!
Wishing PEACE for you and the ones you love from Germany...
You're so right. peace does start from within.
Peace out.
Wonderful words and great video
Stopping by to wish you Peace by way of Mimi
Just had to stop in and see how you had treated the peace blogs. One of the joys of today has been seeing the different takes, personal and public , that so many people have taken with this concept. It was a pleasure to read yours!
Peace be with you always...came via Mimi's Peace Globe...
kyels: Peace to you too. Thanks for visiting.
Lexa: Thanks, and the same to you.
Sanni: Danke schön. Same wishes from this part of the world to yours!
Emma: Thank you. Peace out, smart one.
TOF: I can't bring myself to call you by your full handle, haha! Thank you very much, best wishes to you too.
Tom: Thanks! Yours was a fine read, too.
Andrena: Thanks, and peace to you too.
I'm sorry I missed the opportunity to contribute and participate. Teach me to fall behind on my blog reading. But the video is touching (for some reason that I have yet to verbally identify).
I'll be sure to figure it out though and share it. Thanks lovely Lizza.
Is it wrong that my peace is a pizza? ;)
kiyotoe: Yeah, that'll learn ya (as Yosemite Sam would say). Okay, be sure to share your thoughts! :-)
Steve: No, that ain't wrong at all! Pizza, mmmmmmm.
hi, want to exchange link with me?
I am no 85
Love that video. Peace to all!
simon: Thanks for asking. I'll see, ok? :-)
parlancheq: Yes, it's a wonderful video. Peace to you too.
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