We bloggers write about anything and everything under the sun: like love, hate, sex, work, politics, sex, family, travel, gardening, parenting, friendship, sex, music, movies, making money, sex. Today, a number of us are posting about peace, we who are not only willing but enthusiastic participants of Mimi Lenox's Dona Nobis Pacem Blog Blast for Peace movement.
It started several dozen moons ago, Mimi's initiative, which has since blossomed and swelled like a beauty pageant contestant's head - but in a much, much nicer way. Though those contestants do mention world peace quite regularly...or as Mimi puts it, world peas. Makes me salivate for some delicious pea soup.
But life isn't an epicurean delight every day. More often than not, events leave a bad taste in one's mouth, or if they don't it's because they were too bland to make an impact. Funny thing is, if one takes the time to chew - to savor - an experience, then he or she will find something good about it, no matter how colorless or unpalatable it may have seemed at the start.
And where else does peace start but from within each and every one of us? Sure, it's easy to spout rhetoric about world peace (peas? mmmm, pea soup) but if one's own life is devoid of it (peace, not peas!), how can she or he influence others? You can talk the talk but you gotta walk the walk too.
Inner peace doesn't necessarily mean eliminating everyday conflict. How the hell can you do that? Unless you're some sort of monk living in a cave in the mountains. Even then, you'd have to deal with the pesky insects. No, I think it's about finding serenity - and perhaps imparting it to others - even in the midst of the usual chaos we encounter within and without on a daily basis. Yes, choosing the peaceful way is hard sometimes. What's easier, to flip the bird at the jerks who cut you off on the highway or to think that maybe they have problems that distract them from driving responsibly? To take offense at a friend's seeming inattentiveness or understand his need for silence? It's easier to rant and rave, to react in a negative manner especially when such a reaction seems merited.
It's easier to react negatively, it seems. But then again, the things that are most worthwhile aren't all that easy to deal with, the things that will bring peace to us, and by our resulting actions, to others. Conversely, it isn't rocket science either. It's simply a choice: the choice not to do harm, the choice not to hurt, the choice to do good, the choice to act in peace, the choice to love.
There are things that bring me a measure of serenity, the ocean is one of them. Music is another, and these two songs lull my spirit because they celebrate love (which I think is essential to peace). They make me smile, and sometimes they make me cry (but in a good way). I like them a lot because they celebrate my life and my peace and my love...even if they don't talk about peas. Or sex. Or beer.
So shake it up, baby, now...for peace.
This is the first peace globe I've seen since you are so far ahead of me in time. Nice! Mine will go up at midnight here.
Peace to you and yours Lizza!
I love the way you write young Lizza.
Citizen: If I lived in Australia I'd be even more ahead of you in time. Great! Will visit yours.
Trav: Same to you!
DaddyP: Why, thank you.
I come in peace :D
My Peace post in here Thanks
Just so lovely---it's good to know that people can believe the same things on opposite sides of this sweet old world.
Peace :-)
Popped in via DaddyP's. Your Peace Globe is Beautiful! (Mine is up too!)
Wonderful post! Well done. Peace (and pea soup) be with you.
Love and Peace to you and yours, Lizza!
Great to see you on board and what a nice Globe!
Mine is up too :-)
Hello from Norway - peace to you and the one you love!
Let there be PEACE on earth and let it begin with us!
Picturing: Thanks for visiting. I will come in peace to your blog too.
Turnbaby: Yes, indeed. And even if we don't agree, we can do it nicely.
Odat: Love and peace!
Olga: The famous traveling bra visited my site! I feel so honored. Glad to see you here, you sexy lacy black thing you.
Raven: Thank you! Mmmm, pea soup...
Sanni: Thank you, my dear. Same to you and to Frank, Luis, and Hamster 2.0.
Rennyba: Thank you for visiting. Will return the favor!
Evil: You ain't so evil, you Sanni doppelganger you. Peace and love.
Peace to you and yours Lizza. :)
You are as peaceful and and gentle a person as I know in the blogosphere. Cheers and peace to you and those that you love!
Wonderful that we both used the same song today... to me it is about finding inner peace. And mine resides with those I love...
Peace to you Lizza!
Around the world, Peace reigns supreme today
sometimes i'm way too emotional to maintain peace. my latest mantra these days is, "stfu and breathe."
"It's simply a choice: the choice not to do harm, the choice not to hurt, the choice to do good, the choice to act in peace, the choice to love," said the lovely Lizza, one of the first peace bloggers ever.
Peace to you and yours, my friend. May you find every happiness and joy - in the small and large things. Love, Mimi
Beautifully written and hmm-worthy as always, lovely Lizza.
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