She apologizes for not making the usual rounds. She's fine, though she finds it a tad disturbing to find herself writing in the third person. Praise all the powers that be, though, that this doesn't happen too often. (Referring to the fact that she's referring to herself in the third person, and not to the discomfiting realization that her blogging skills have run away, put themselves up for auction on eBay without her knowledge, or committed hara-kiri. She hopes none of the aforementioned is true.)
In any case, she hasn't forgotten about the honors bestowed upon her by thoughtful and sweet blog buddies like Mimi and Sanni. She sends them tight hugs and
Also, she had a lovely time Saturday night with fellow bloggers Houseband00 and the Pinay in Barnsley (who is bloody gorgeous, by the way). She (meaning, me) is looking forward to having even more
Laters, peeps. (I know, that is so juvenile. What the heck.)
BIG SLOPPY KISS fellow blog slacker.
I finally get a chance to open my reader and am blessed with your note.
Sugar--your words and your sweet self are always welcome and cherished by me--whenever they appear.
We'd tear up a Saturday night--we need to.
So great to see you
I should also mention that I am beach drunk as we speak *tee hee*
I hope all is well with you, Liz. Easy on the Heroes episodes. =)
Thinking of you and your non-blogging self. But then again, you're always "here" somehow......We'll be right here waiting, my dear.
Take care and hurry back.
Wow, that's a wonderful retreat. One that was filled with alcoholic beverages. Yum!
Big sloppy kisses to you too!
Enjoy your break! See ya later!
One should always refer to oneself in the third person, if one possibly can.
When one see's her, do send our best.
Be back soon girl.
Well, judging by the pics, I'd say both you girls are equally gorgeous in different ways. In fact you look stunning!
Okay, now rush through that coffee. there's too much to write. And here's a big tight HUG for when you're away.
oh I'm just glad to know you're still around and having fun....x
Glad to see you, Lizza. Catch you on your next rounds. :)
How much coffee can one woman drink?
Hi Lizza! Guess who? I'm back with a new name, new blog. I have some catching up to do. I have missed reading your thoughts and will find some time to read up on the lovely Lizza posts soon!
Have a wicked break Lizza
Inday Liz!
I'm back in cyberspace. Ikaw naman ang nawawala. Balik ka agad!
Really lovely meeting the pair of you...
Planuhin mo na ang January trip mo to the white sand island hokey?
Mag-aral ka na rin ng belly dancing...
Enjoy and Cheers oh one of hotness...
We all take breaks and thank goodness we do not speak in the third person! LOL
You just visited me, so I thought I'd do the same.
If we're not gonna be entitled the privilege of reading your posts, at least in the interim, then I have to say I want juvenile sloppy kisses, too!
I'm here - your not!
Took me a minute to get the third acronym... I care! I'm glad ot hear you're alive and well an having fun.
Enjoy the coffee!
The TG sends her love
Ooooh - a blogger outing, what fun! I hope you're enjoying yourself. Come back soon :)
hope you're enjoying your time off.
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