A few weeks ago Mimi rocked the blog world with her Dona Nobis Pacem initiative; images of Peace Globes were submitted by bloggers from all over the world to express their desire for world peace. It was a day that exuded positive energy.
Today I learned about another kind of peace initiative from Karmyn, who writes Dreaming What Ifs (through a comment she made on Ian's blog).
Orgasms for peace.
Yep, you read that right. GlobalOrgasm.org has announced that December 22, 2006 is "the First Annual Solstice Synchronized Global Orgasm for Peace, leading up to the December Solstice of 2012, when the Mayan Calendar ends with a new beginning."
The experiment aims to determine whether the energy created by countless people climaxing on the same day will positively affect the planet's energy field, to "reduce the current dangerous levels of aggression and violence throughout the world." Click here for the site's demo.(And no, it isn't a sex clip, okay?) They might be pulling our legs, but what the heck. :-D
Come one, come all, haha! Science can be so much fun sometimes.
Hi Lizza,
You do know I'm stopping myself from making an unnecessary - ahem - comment. =)
Don't stop yourself, HB. Let it all out. Haha!
Naah, Lizza. I'm scared of of the outcome. It might be all premature and would seem that I'd be faking it. =)
Hahahaha! Ang galing, grabe. Well, it's always better to be safe. :-D
May ihihirit pa sana ako pero masyadong bastos na ang kinalabasan. =)
Hahahaha! English and Tagalog puns, what fun! Di bale, maginoo ka naman (pero medyo bastos).
Oo nga, stop na ako ha. Over na! =)
Haha! Sige. Thanks for the laughs. Remember December 22, though. Di pa man New Year, may putukan na! Ok, stop na din ako. :-D
Kayong dalawa...
(nakisali naman)
Anong oras daw sa 22nd Dec?
This sounds interesting enough to capture my attention
Go go Orgasm!
Errr... that sound a bit weird
Heh heh heh
A peaceful climax. Could be boring. We shall. I can't wait for the universal countdown: 10...9..8
Happy Thanksgiving!
NM: Halika--the more, the merrier. I don't think they mentioned the time. Better keep both English and Filipino time zones in mind, just to be sure. ;-)
ZI: You're right, that does sound weird, haha! Peace. :-)
Bud: No, no! (wags finger) They never said anything about a peaceful climax--it's achieving climax for peace! :-D
Happy Thanksgiving!
Mims shall refrain from commenting.
Oh yes, Science can definitely be fun; sometimes!
[All silent: *searching for datebook*...*seeking for pen*...*inscribing date*...*grining*]
Hey Lizza! What is the weather like?
I guess it's taking John and Yoko's 'bed-ins' for peace just one step further, huh?
I heard about this on the Jay Leno or David Letterman show--- thought it was a joke---- talk about being in synch!!!!!
Mimi: Thanks for stopping by, Your Highness. Hope your Thanksgiving was great. :-)
kyels: It can certainly make us laugh sometimes!
sanni: (peers at sanni's datebook and verifies that she wrote the correct date) The weather is fine; hope you're having a fine time there in Germany. Haha!
Michael: Yep, but that's one huge step. :-)
nmotb: Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
nannan: Joke or not, it's certainly an amusing idea. :-D
It is not working (alas):-((( I gave my best but:
"A savage string of apparently coordinated bombings erupted Thursday in Sadr City, a Shiite slum of Baghdad, killing more than 140 people."
Hey Lizza,
The event just got mentioned in Conan.
We all should be given at least a 2 minute signal before it happens. =)
Sidney: I think you were supposed to actually think about peace at the critical moment. Well, did you? Huh? :-D
HB: Darn, I don't get to watch the talk shows na kasi. Yep, we should get at least that much notice, preferably more. Haha!
yeah ... let's do it for world peace.
I'm taking note of the date...if its for world peace who can say no...
I'll do anything for Peace!!!!!
Now THIS is an idea that I could get behind!!
Literally. ;)
Wow! Even if this doesn't work to bring peace all over the world, at least loads of people will be extremely happy for an extremely short amount of time. ;)
Oh bummer..I am in a celibate phase (sadly) so no orgasms for me...I kind of think that DIY won't have the same energy output.
But don't let me stop you.
Drat! 22 December. Because of a previous appointment, I can't come that day.
I am so bummed... I will be at mom and dad's that day and wel... just not sure that will be the best place to join in...but I will be fantasizing about being involved...
H, shadowfalcon and odat: You ladies rock. :-D
Steve: I'm almost afraid to ask if that means what I think it means. Woof! Haha!
Dan: Yes, and who can say no to a bit of happiness? :-)
Wendz: Haha! You crack me up. DIY will do. ;-)
Bazza: Oh, do try to come. ;-) It's for a good cause.
Bond: Consider DIY, haha!
Thanks for the link! Stuff like this cracks me up - but if it works, hey...I'm all over it!!!
Thanks for the heads-up, karmyn! Fun stuff. :-)
These comments are absolutely hysterical. Thanks for the laugh, Miss Lizza.
If it will help towards peace, I'll do my best to suffer through the sex act.
Mimi: Indeed they are. They made me laugh too. :-)
Gumby: Oh, the things we have to go through for peace! ;-)
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