I'm back, kind of. My regular Internet connection isn't up yet, so I'm using dial up. It's better than no connection at all, but it isn't cooperating fully with me. I can't run multiple applications (either the browser shuts down or my computer reboots). It won't even let me open multiple tabs or windows. Weird stuff, just like moi.
Thank you to all the kind souls who have been visiting. Rest assured that I will do my best to "ketchup" once everything is back to normal.
Oh my god, don't you just dial-up. I hate it.
Hang in there and I hope your "ketchup" is sweet ;-)
I'm playing a bit of catchup, and didn't know until now of the turmoil you're been going through. I'm happy that you were not hurt during the typhoon. I hope things get back to normal for you soon!
"weird stuff, just like moi" indeed. Haah.
But this sounds like an ordeal all right. Go girl! waiting for you to 'ketchup'.
Dial up how dreary. I guess you should be thankfull that you arn't in Pasig, they dont even have the phone restored, as at Tuesday. How we come to rely on our toys. It was kinda fun to go back to candle light, reading books etc for a few days. Was tough on the kids, no TV for 3 days woe, owe, woe, such sack cloth and ashes. On the up side I finally got round to reading Don Quixote which I had been promising myself to do for ages. Not an easy read but well worth the effort.
It's great to have you back, Hope your "real" Internet connection hurries back. Then again, I suppose some Intenet is better than no Internet at all.
Who would have thought that the blogosphere could be so addictive that you would actually suffer from withdrawal.
But don't worry, we're not going anywhere.
bodytalk: I'm just grateful I'm able to go online...but it is frustrating sometimes. :-)
Michael: I'm sure it will be!
Gumby: Great to see you here again. You're busy nowadays, I know. Good luck with the play!
Gale: You're so right. Amazing to think we managed well enough without mobile phones and the Internet in the past decades. :-D
H: Hello, your foxiness! I'm looking forward to reading more of your thought-provoking posts.
Henry: Must be great to get power and Internet access back so soon! So, did you find yourself tilting at any windmills lately? :-)
Natalie: Thanks! I'm eager to look at what's new in your part of the world...and the new guess-that-song things you might have.
Kiyotoe: Thank you. You know, the number of Internet addicts is growing...
And then perhaps I should respond with hello back your sauciness. grin.
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