Verde viento. Verdes ramas.
El barco sobre la mar.
Y el caballo en la montaña.
(Green, how I want you green.
Green wind. Green branches.
The ship out on the sea.
And the horse on the mountain.)
-from Federico García Lorca's Romance Sonambulo
This poem is fraught with longing, an emotion that is sometimes confused with (or which can lead to) envy, which in turn can be relatively harmless or very dangerous, depending on the stability of one's mind and heart. But that's neither here nor there; I'd much rather focus on the positive, not the negative, connotations of the color green.
Such as:
Its metaphoric significance in material prosperity, enabling us to indulge in some creature comforts. Ka-ching!
Its prominence in color therapy. According to, "Green is the color of healing and traveling back in time. It will balance the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness. Green is a good general healing color because it stimulates growth therefore it is good for helping heal broken bones - regrowth of tissue of all kinds." You or I may not believe in this, but who knows? It could be true. There are many fields of experience in the universe that are as yet unexplained by science.
Its role in humor. Who doesn't enjoy a good green joke? For those unfamiliar with the term, a green joke is simply one that is sexual in nature. Sex and laughter -- definitely the makings of good medicine!
I'm sending happy, healing green thoughts to a friend of mine who broke his leg recently -- in three places, no less! Heaven knows he could use some laughs. Get well soon, sweetie. Don't lose that smile.
Manic Mondays is the brainchild of Morgen over at It's a Blog Eat Blog World! Try it, you might like it. :-)
I always thought sexual humor was called blue. Maybe it's both.
Hi, Travis! I should've clarified. Here in the Philippines, when we say green jokes, we're referring to sexually loaded jokes. :-)
Have a great week!
I've just learnt you can wiggle your ears - I'm green with envy. Can you raise one eyebrow as well?
Thanks for the insignts....about green. I love walking thru the woods and seeing the gives me a good feeling.... I'll send some green thoughts to your friend as well.
Green blue? Who cares what we call it, as long as it has sex in it I am all for it. Cheers!!
hi lizza, i run into people explaining what green jokes mean, i keep forgetting that not all we have and believe comes from America.
DaddyP: I can raise either eyebrow, though I can't raise the right one as high as I can raise the left one. :-D
Odat: Thanks! Have green thoughts when you're dancing.
Matt: The humor is what's important...and sex, of course. :-D
Photo: Haha! No, surely not all. :-D
Very well said. I agree blue/green whatever! Humor and sex works for me!!! Happy MM with Mo :)
OMG...I had not thought of that poem in ages. Thanks for the memories.
Wow!! I love this one--have a great week.
Comedy+: Good thing there are lots of fun-loving people like us out there. :-D
Natalia: I just love it when someone else likes poetry I like. Glad to have brought back memories.
Tegdirb92: Thanks! Have a great one, too.
Any post with the poetry of Federico García Lorca is perfect. Thank you.
Who knew about all those various green things. Not me!
Lovely take on the topic and lovely poem! Happy MM.
Jamie: Another person who appreciates Lorca's poetry. I'm in heaven. Thank YOU!
Natalie: It's always nice to learn something new; I learn from you too!
Mz Jackson: Welcome! Thanks for visiting and thank you for the kind words. Happy MM!
"Green is the color of the sparkling corn
In the morning, when we rise" (Donovan)
Just thought I'd add another green association for you!
Green is my absolute favorite color Lizza! Nice post! I always learn something when I stop by here!
I wish your friend a quick recovery!
I love green jokes! and I'm with you, I think there is a whole world of things out there that we can be open to. (Like the color therapy.) Have a great week!
How did you avoid mentioning Kermit?
You are good...
Here's to hoping your friend gets better. I couldn't keep thinking of a way to sneak in the phrase 'the grass is always greener on the other side.'
thanks to u, i have something already in mind for next monday
thanks to u, i have something already in mind for next monday
CS: That just reminded me of countryside scenery here. Thanks!
Dan: Thanks! It's good to see you here again.
Lisa: You're an open-minded green joke lover? That's so cool.
Scott: Now THAT's one frog I like. :-D
Michael: Thanks. And you just did, haha!
Chimera: Oh, cool! I'll visit your blog in a bit. Thanks for stopping by.
I've heard about "blue" humor, but not green. I would think green jokes would be ones that get recycled often.
Hi Diesel! Yep, they get recycled often, but they're still funny. :-D
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