Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Offspring Envy Schmenzy

I've heard there's such a thing. I even know some people who suffer from the affliction. Offspring envy is when the mom or dad -- or both -- feel envious of their child's characteristics and/or achievements. Then there's second-degree-offspring-envy. An example of this is when Adult A refuses to believe that the child of Adult B is better than Adult A's child; that whatever the child of Adult B has achieved, he or she couldn't have done it without the help of Adult B.

Confused? No worries. I am too.

What I am NOT confused about, however, is my near-absence of offspring envy. I say "near-absence" because there is some envy I feel, somewhat. I do envy my progeny to an extent. I envy them their youth and innocence, their fresh start at lucid life. I envy them the time where they are now in their lives, that still-pure and carefree period wherein any mistakes they commit, any wrong decisions they make, will have no lasting impact on how they live, laugh, learn and love.

But my so-called offspring envy is ultrananomicroscopic in comparison to the overwhelming blessedness I feel when I look at my children.

I don't feel sorry for myself because my daughters will grow up to be more beautiful than I ever could be. Their beauty becomes more evident as time passes, and I rejoice in it.

I don't feel insecure because my teenage son is now writing lines that go "I don't mean to be lazy, it's just that I have those moments that I don't realize that I'm being lazy. Perhaps I'm too lazy to even notice." -- a thought I could never have articulated that well when I was his age. The first time I read his blog, it took my breath away.

What I am is someone who is so proud of her children -- yet at the same time someone humbled by the hints of greatness that are emerging from within those beings who will and are becoming more than she could ever become.


  1. Kids should be better than their parents - 'tis evolution.

    Mind you, mine are rubbish ........

    ..... oooo, and BTW, if your daughters are more more beautiful than you they'd be unbearable ...... [what a crawler!!! - tee hee]

  2. "more more"! - what's that all about? ....... tsk

  3. Welcome back. I kept the place dusted...

  4. awww... but I reckon someone with offspring envy is driving you up the wall!!

  5. OMG, you were gone too long. I though this site went into foreclosure, except that I did not see any signs.

    Glad you are back. We missed you. YOu should write more often :)

  6. Hi Lizza. I just started blogging again after a three year break at: http://todiscoverice.blogspot.com
    I'm glad to see that you too are back after a short break!. Greetings to you from Bazza.

  7. I'm so glad to see you blogging again. I've missed you!

  8. You are not alone. I do feel this sometimes. But then again theirs is a different time.

    I tell myself, I had my own time but I and only I, allowed most of the opportunities that came my way pass me by.

    There are times I wished I could have made decisions differently. But that's all behind now. Right now, I am just living the way I want to live.



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